A100 vs V100 Deep Learning Benchmarks
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Lambda is now shipping Tesla A100 servers. In this post, we benchmark the PyTorch training speed of the Tesla A100 and V100, both with NVLink. For more info, including multi-GPU training performance, see our GPU benchmark center.
For training convnets with PyTorch, the Tesla A100 is...- 2.2x faster than the V100 using 32-bit precision.*
- 1.6x faster than the V100 using mixed precision.
- 3.4x faster than the V100 using 32-bit precision.
- 2.6x faster than the V100 using mixed precision.
* In this post, for A100s, 32-bit refers to FP32 + TF32; for V100s, it refers to FP32.
View Lambda's Tesla A100 server
A100 vs V100 convnet training speed, PyTorch
- All numbers are normalized by the 32-bit training speed of 1x Tesla V100.
- The chart shows, for example: 32-bit training with 1x A100 is 2.17x faster than 32-bit training 1x V100; 32-bit training with 4x V100s is 3.88x faster than 32-bit training with 1x V100; and mixed precision training with 8x A100 is 20.35x faster than 32-bit training with 1x V100.
- Results averaged across SSD, ResNet-50, and Mask RCNN.
- For batch size info, see the raw data at our GPU benchmarking center.
View Lambda's Tesla A100 server
A100 vs V100 language model training speed, PyTorch
- All numbers are normalized by the 32-bit training speed of 1x Tesla V100.
- The chart shows, for example, that 32-bit training with 1x A100 is 3.39x faster than 32-bit training with a 1x V100; mixed precision training with 4x V100 is 7.97x faster than 32-bit training with 1x V100; and mixed precision training with 8x A100 is 42.60x faster than 32-bit training with 1x V100.
- Results averaged across Transformer-XL base, Transformer-XL large, Tacotron 2, and BERT-base SQuAD.
- For batch size info, see the raw data at our GPU benchmarking center.
View Lambda's Tesla A100 server
Benchmark software stack
- Lambda's benchmark code is available at the GitHub repo here.
- The Tesla A100 was benchmarked using NGC's PyTorch 20.10 docker image with Ubuntu 18.04, PyTorch 1.7.0a0+7036e91, CUDA 11.1.0, cuDNN 8.0.4, NVIDIA driver 460.27.04, and NVIDIA's optimized model implementations.
- The Tesla V100 was benchmarked using NGC's PyTorch 20.01 docker image with Ubuntu 18.04, PyTorch 1.4.0a0+a5b4d78, CUDA 10.2.89, cuDNN 7.6.5, NVIDIA driver 440.33, and NVIDIA's optimized model implementations.
- Benchmarks using the same software versions for the A100 and V100 coming soon!