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Titan V Deep Learning Benchmarks with TensorFlow

Titan V vs. RTX 2080 Ti vs. RTX 2080 vs. Titan RTX vs. Tesla V100 vs. GTX 1080 Ti vs. Titan Xp - TensorFlow benchmarks for neural net training.

Published 03/12/2019 by Michael Balaban

Titan RTX Deep Learning Benchmarks

Titan RTX vs. 2080 Ti vs. 1080 Ti vs. Titan Xp vs. Titan V vs. Tesla V100. For this post, Lambda engineers benchmarked the Titan RTX's deep learning performance vs. other common GPUs. We measured the Titan RTX's single-GPU training performance on ResNet50, ResNet152, Inception3, Inception4, VGG16, AlexNet, and SSD.

Published 12/26/2018 by Michael Balaban


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