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Introducing Lambda 1-Click Clusters, a new way to train large AI models

1-Click Clusters feature 16-512 NVIDIA H100 SXM GPUs with InfiniBand networking. Learn how Lambda's ML team used one for Open-Sora fine-tuning research.

Published 06/03/2024 by Jeremy Edberg

Lambda Raises $320M to Build a GPU Cloud for AI

Lambda raised a $320M Series C for a $1.5B valuation, to expand our GPU cloud & further our mission to build the #1 AI compute platform in the world.

Published 02/15/2024 by Stephen Balaban

Persistent storage now available for on-demand NVIDIA H100 GPU instances

Persistent storage is now available in all Lambda Cloud regions and for all on-demand instance types, including our NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPU instances.

Published 12/19/2023 by Kathy Bui


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