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Introducing Lambda 1-Click Clusters, a new way to train large AI models

1-Click Clusters feature 16-512 NVIDIA H100 SXM GPUs with InfiniBand networking. Learn how Lambda's ML team used one for Open-Sora fine-tuning research.

Published 06/03/2024 by Jeremy Edberg

Lambda selected as 2024 NVIDIA Partner Network AI Excellence Partner of the Year

Lambda was selected as NVIDIA's 2024 AI Excellence Partner of the Year for providing NVIDIA-powered systems via our Cloud and on-prem offerings.

Published 03/19/2024 by Robert Brooks IV

Lambda among first NVIDIA Cloud Partners to deploy NVIDIA Blackwell-based GPUs

The NVIDIA GB200 Superchip and NVIDIA B200 and B100 GPUs will be available through Lambda’s On-Demand & Reserved Cloud, and NVIDIA DGX SuperPODs.

Published 03/18/2024 by Maxx Garrison


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