Getting started
What libraries come preinstalled on Lambda Cloud instances?
Which operating systems are available on Lambda Cloud?
Can I install my own DL/ML libraries and dependencies?
I'm new to SSH, how do I use the .pem private key?
How do I use persistent storage to save datasets and system state?
How long does it take for instances to launch?
How do I upload and download models & data to my instances from my local machine?
How do I shutdown / terminate the instance?
How do I upload and download models & data to my instances from S3 or Google Cloud Storage?
How do I get started using the Team feature?
Why can't my program find the NVIDIA cuDNN library?
How do I get started using the Team feature?
Where can I find documentation for using Lambda Cloud?
Who can use Lambda Cloud?
Can I use Blender or other rendering programs on Lambda Cloud?
Can I mine Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency on Lambda Cloud?
Can my data be recovered once I've terminated my instance?
I think you might be down. Do you have a status page?
How are instances billed?
On-demand instances are billed in one-minute increments, beginning the moment you spin up (start) the instance and the instance passes health checks. Billing ends the moment you terminate (stop) the instance. Instances are billed for as long as they're running, regardless if they're actively being used.
How are refunds given?
How are persistent storage file systems billed?
How do I close my account?
Do I have to pay sales tax for Lambda GPU Cloud?
Does Lambda offer credits for students or researchers?
Why is my card being declined?
Why did I receive an email saying 3D secure authentication is required to process my payment?
Does Lambda Cloud support multi-user access?
Instance information
Where are instances available?
We have instances available in the following regions:
- Arizona, USA
- California, USA
- Illinois, USA
- Texas, USA
- Utah, USA
- Virginia, USA
- Germany
- India
- Israel
- Italy
- Osaka, Japan
- Tokyo, Japan
- Sydney, Australia
Can I spin up multiple instances on Lambda Cloud?
What are the network speeds available on Lambda Cloud instances?
Can I only use a subset of GPUs available on each Lambda instance and pay only for the number of GPUs that I am using?
API & advanced usage
How can I perform distributed training on multiple instances on Lambda Cloud?
Can I launch an instance from a command line or from a script?
How do I terminate an instance using the Cloud API?